Clinic-School-ServicesReason for Referral
Difficulty with attaining or maintaining optimal and independent function in daily living requirements within all performance contexts (self care, productivity, leisure) across environments (home, school, community).

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- Primary Frame of Reference
  • Sensory integration
  • Developmental Therapy

Focus of Evaluation
Diagnostic - utilization of standardized assessment tools & clinical observations to determine the type and extent of difficulties underlying sensory processing and neuro-motor contributions to skill attainment difficulties.

Focus of Intervention
  • To provide one to one and group intervention for the child, assisting in the development of sensorimotor foundations for skill attainment to succeed in a variety of environments. Sensorimotor foundations are inclusive of sensory processing, self-regulation, motor coordination, praxis, and psychosocial skill development.
  • To recommend and provide a client centered service for the child and his/her advocates through the provision of consultation and education opportunities.
  • To promote an environment where the child's advocates (parents, teachers and paraprofessionals) are acknowledged, empowered and involved.