Praxis, also known as motor planning, is the process of deciding what your body has to do and then performing a task. Dependent on effective tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular processing, it is the interdependent process of conceiving/ideating, planning, sequencing and executing actions.

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Effectiveness of this process is dependent on effective organization of sensory input from the environment and from the body, allowing one to plan, execute, monitor and grade one’s motor response, given an environmental demand.




  • Praxis is the ability of the brain to: Conceive an idea
  • Organize / plan the steps
  • Carry out / execute the action plan

Development of efficient motor planning or praxis abilities alleviates the demands of consciously monitoring motor movements thus allowing children to be more organized, effective and efficient in their occupations (academics, play and daily living skills). Praxis or motor planning is a process inherent in speech, language, social skills, memory and cognitive skills.

Motor planning is a process involved throughout all stages of a child’s development, from infancy to adulthood. Motor planning is a very important core capacity for sequencing our actions, behaviours and thoughts.

Intervention Approaches To Motor Planning Issues

At KIDZ, we use the process oriented approach within a sensory integrative framework to work on sensory-integrative based praxis issues, so that foundational development of body percept needed for conceptualization of motor plans is present. However, at the same time, we also provide strategies that are task-oriented in nature, so that the child’s ability to meet current task demands can be met through accommodations and compensatory strategies.

KIDZ Tools – Motor Planning Program is designed to assist parents and teachers in understanding how to support children with motor planning issues across all environments whether the issues impact motor, learning, speech, language and/or behaviour domains. Sensory integrative principles will be looked at as the main intervention approach from a clinical perspective. However, task oriented approaches will also be explored to assist with developing ideation, sequencing and planning deficits.

Who would benefit from the Motor Planning Program?
Diagnoses that will have inherent issues in motor planning include:

  • Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Down Syndrome
  • Dyslexia
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Sensory Processing Disorder




Program Objectives

For the Child:
The purpose of this program is to help a child identify the challenging aspects of various tasks, and assist him/her in making these challenges easier to manage, thereby increasing their self-esteem and confidence in task performances.

For the Caregivers:
This program is to enable the caregivers to better understand their child's needs in motor planning, and to be well-equipped with the knowledge needed to better assist their child.